- The Lockerbie Case - Not About The Victims, It`s About Destroying The Jamahiriya / صحيفة الجماهير / Lockerbie case, Libya News - December 1997 - Report * Official UK Investigation Report. Read Some Truth About Lockerbie!




redefining law / صحيفة الجماهير / Lockerbie case, Libya News - December 1997 - Report * Official UK Investigation Report

Principal law.

The Lockerbie case -  Some may ask, why a big page about Lockerbie? It`s past...

When the dirt is under the carpet, it`s still in the house..!

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Our Business

The answer is clear: Lockerbie has changed this world! And all of us living in that changed world! Libya has been coerced into paying compensation for the crash of Pan Am 103, although the Lockerbie trial was a farce in the modern history of law. Despite getting 60 million USD compensation, the victims and their families still lose. The truth of the crash of Pan Am 103 will for now remain unknown, after the US-NATO lead WAR on Libya. US and Britain will surley not again open any investigation case, to uncover the DIRT behind this man-made [SS] disaster.

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But this page will give you some informations about the Lockerbie case and it is up to you, to decide if Libya (and Muammar Al Gaddafi) had really a hand into the crash..!

As Lockerbie was a "good" option for US and Britain, to attack Libya 1986.. And so was New York Sepember 11 - 2001 ..
for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq..

The Afghanistan Oil Pipeline

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Get To Know The Truth

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Libya, Lockerbie & Lies The struggle by one country against the forces of international oppression

LLibya, Lockerbie & Lies The struggle by one country against the forces of international oppression  - By SUSAN BRYCE  ::::: It was the evening of 21 December 1988, when Pan Am flight 103 exploded in mid air overhead Dean’s Cross in the English Lake District and crashed at Lockerbie in Scotland. All 259 passengers and crew on the plane were killed instantly, and a total of eleven local people also died in the crash... 

                                                                                                                                                                                             >>> Read More <<< 

Investigation Report - Page Links:

SYNOPSIS  *  Appendix A - Personnel involved in the investigation *   Figure B (Appendix B) - Pictures & Documents  *

 Appendix C - Analysis of recorded data  *  Figure C (Appendix C) - Pictures & Documents  *

Appendix D - Critical crack calculations  *  Appendix E - Potential remedial measures  *  

Appendix F - Baggage container examination and reconstruction  *  Figure F (Appendix F) - Pictures & Documents  *

Appendix G - Mach stem shock wave effects  *  

Figure G-1 - (Appendix G-1)  *  More Investigation Images Follow - SOON!

Investigation News & Info`s and Video Material:

Hillary Clinton called for al-Megrahi to be returned to prison in Scotland...  *  Video - Evidence Against C.I.A.  *

Heading over a 2009 post by Michael Meacher MP (UK) on his blog. It reads as follow  *  

Lockerbie dad meets man jailed for bombing  *  Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked  *  

UK CALLS FOR LIFTING OF UN SANCTIONS ON LIBYA (2003)  *  Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi - My Story  * 


Video - Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi freed  *  Video - Madsen Aug 2009 - CIA fabricated evidence  *

Video - Mr. Al-Megrahi says truth will come out!  *  Video - Lockerbie Bomber Truth - Part 1 and 2  *  

Audio - George Galloway discusses Lockerbie with Dr Jim Swire  *  Video - Special Event: Lockerbie Case ..with Dr Jim Swire  *

Video - Dr Jim Swire on the death of Megrahi  *  Statement  by Saif Al  Gaddafi to the Release of Abdel-Basset Megrahi  * 

Video - Lockerbie ::: CIA Framing Libya  *  Saif Al Islam Gaddafi: 'We don't want confrontation and aggression  * 

Audio - George Galloway and Chris on the Lockerbie case  *  .>>>>>




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Lockerbie case 

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Lockerbie case 

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Lockerbie case 

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Lockerbie case -  SYNOPSIS

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Lockerbie case -  SYNOPSIS

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Lockerbie case -  SYNOPSIS