/ صحيفة الجماهير / Lockerbie case, Libya News - December 1997 - Report * Official UK Investigation Report. Read Some Truth About Lockerbie!
1. Introduction
This appendix describes and analyses the different types of
recorded data which were examined during the investigation of the
accident to Boeing 747 registration N739PA at Lockerbie on 21
December 1988. The recorded data consists of that from the Cockpit
Voice Recorder (CVR), the Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR), Air
Traffic Control (ATC) radio telephony (RTF), ATC radar, and British
Geological Survey seismic records. The time correlation of the
records is also discussed.
2. Digital flight data recorder
The flight data recorder installation conformed to ARINC 573B
standard with a Lockheed Model 209 DFDR receiving data from a
Teledyne Controls Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU). The system
recorded 22 analogue parameters and 27 discrete (event) parameters.
The flight recorder control panel was located in the flight deck
overhead panel. The FDAU was in the main equipment centre at the
front end of the forward hold and the flight recorder was mounted
in the aft equipment centre.
2.1 DFDR strip and examination
Internal inspection of the DFDR showed that there was considerable
disruption to the control electronics circuits. The crash
protection was removed and the plastic recording tape was found
detached from its various guide rollers and tangled in the tape
spools. There was no tension in the negator springs. This indicated
that the tape had probably moved since electrical power was removed
from the recorder. The position of the tape in relation to the
record/replay heads was marked with a piece of splicing tape in
order to quantify the movement. To ensure that no additional damage
was caused to the tape it was necessary to cut the negator springs
to separate the upper and lower tape reels.
The crinkling and stretching of the tape and the damage to the
control electronics meant that the tape had to be replayed outside
the recorder. AAIB experience has shown that the most efficient
method of replaying stretched Lockheed recorder tapes is to
re-spool the tape into a known serviceable recorder, in this case a
Plessey 1584G.
2.2 DFDR replay
The 25 hour duration of the DFDR was satisfactorily replayed. Data
relating to the accident flight was recorded on track 2. The only
significant defect in the recording system was that normal
acceleration was inoperative. There was one area on the tape, 2
minutes from the end, where data synchronisation was lost for 1
Decoding and reduction of the data from the accident flight showed
that no abnormal behaviour of the data sensors had been recorded.
The recorded data simply stopped. Figure C-1 is a graphical
representation of the main flight parameters.
2.3 DFDR analysis
In order to ensure that all recorded data from the accident flight
had been decoded and to examine the quality of the data at the end
of the recording, a section of tape, including both the most
recently recorded data and the oldest data (data from 25 hours
past), was replayed through an ultra-violet (UV) strip recorder.
The data was also digitised and the resulting samples used to
reconstruct the tape signal on a VDU.
Both methods of signal representation were used to determine the
manner by which the recorder stopped. There was no gap between the
most recently recorded data and the 25 hour old data. This showed
that the recorder stopped while there was an incoming data stream
from the FDAU. The recorder, therefore, stopped because its
electrical supply was disconnected. The tape signal was examined
for any transients or noise signals that would have indicated the
presence of electrical disturbances prior to the recorder stopping.
None was found and this indicated that there had been a quick clean
break of the electrical supply.
The last seconds of data were decoded independently using both the
UV record and the digitised signal. Only 17 bits of data were not
recoverable (less that 23 milliseconds) and it was not possible to
establish with any certainty if this data was from the accident
flight or if it was old data from a previous recording.
A working group of the European Organisation for Civil Aviation
Electronics (EUROCAE) was, during the period of the investigation,
formulating new standards (Minimum Operational Performance
Requirement for Flight Data Recorder Systems, Ref:- ED55) for
future generation flight recorders which would have permitted
delays between parameter input and recording (buffering) of up to ¤
second. These standards are intended to form the basis of new CAA
specifications for flight recorders and may be adopted
The analysis of the final data recorded on the DFDR was possible
because the system did not buffer the incoming data. Some existing
recorders use a process whereby data is stored temporarily in a
memory device (buffer) before recording. The data within this
buffer is lost when power is removed from the recorder and in
currently designed recorders this may mean that up to 1.2 seconds
of final data contained within the buffer is lost. Due to the
necessary processing of the signals prior to input to the recorder,
additional delays of up to 300 milliseconds may be introduced. If
the accident had occurred when tha aircraft was over the sea, it is
very probable that the relatively few small items of structure,
luggage and clothing showing positive evidence of the detonation of
an explosive device would not have been recovered. However, as
flight recorders are fitted with underwater location beacons, there
is a high probability that they would have been located and
recovered. In such an event the final milliseconds of data
contained on the DFDR could be vital to the successful
determination of the cause of an accident whether due to an
explosive device or other catastrophic failure. Whilst it may not
be possible to reduce some of the delays external to the recorder,
it is possible to reduce any data loss due to buffering of data
within the data acquisition unit.
It is, therefore, recommended that manufacturers of existing
recorders which use buffering techniques give consideration to
making the buffers non-volatile, and hence recoverable after power
loss. Although the recommendation on this aspect, made to the
EUROCAE working group during the investigation, was incorporated
into ED55, it is also recommended that Airworthiness Authorities
re-consider the concept of allowing buffered data to be stored in a
volatile memory.
3. Cockpit voice recorder (CVR)
The aircraft was equipped with a 30 minute duration 4 track
Fairchild Model A100 CVR, and a Fairchild model A152 cockpit area
microphone (CAM). The CVR control panel containing the CAM was
located in the overhead panel on the flight deck and the recorder
itself was mounted in the aft equipment centre.
The channel allocation was as follows:-
Channel 1 Flight Engineer's RTF.
Channel 2 Co-Pilot's RTF.
Channel 3 Pilot's RTF.
Channel 4 Cockpit Area Microphone.
3.1 CVR strip and examination
To gain access to the recording tape it was necessary to cut away
the the outer case and saw through part of the crash protected
enclosure. No damage to the tape transport or the recording tape
was found. The endless loop of tape was cut and the tape
transferred to the replay equipment. The electronic modules in the
CVR were crushed and there was evidence of long term overheating of
the dropper resistors on the power supply module. The CAM had been
crushed breaking internal wiring and damaging components on the
printed circuit board.
3.2 CVR replay
The erase facility within the CVR was not functioning
satisfactorily and low level communications from earlier recordings
was audible on the RTF channels. The CAM channel was particularly
noisy, this was probably due to the combination of the inherently
noisy cockpit of the B747-100 in the climb and distortion from the
incomplete erasure of the previous recordings. On two occasions the
crew had difficulty understanding ATC, possibly indicating high
cockpit noise levels. There was a low frequency sound present at
irregular intervals on the CAM track but the source of this sound
could not be identified as of either acoustic or electrical in
The CVR tape was listened to for its full duration and there was no
indication of anything abnormal with the aircraft, or unusual in
crew behaviour. The tape record ended with a sudden loud sound on
the CAM channel followed almost immediately by the cessation of
recording. The sound occurred whilst the crew were copying their
transatlantic clearance from Shanwick ATC.
3.3 Analysis of the CVR record
3.3.1 The stopping of the recorder
To determine the mechanism that stopped the recorder a bench test
rig was constructed utilizing an A100 CVR and an A152 CAM. Figures
C-2 to C-5 show the effect of shorting, earthing or disconnecting
the CAM signal wires. Figure C-8 shows the CAM channel signal
response to the event which occurred on Flight PA103. From this it
can be seen that there are no characteristic transients similar to
those caused by shorting or earthing the CAM signal wires. Neither
does the signal stop cleanly and quickly as shown in Figure C-5,
indicating that the CAM signal wires were not interrupted. The UV
trace shows the recorded signal decaying in a manner similar to
that shown in Figure C-6, which demonstrates the effect of
disconnecting electrical power from the recorder. The tests were
repeated on other CVRs with similar results and it is therefore
concluded that Flight PA103's CVR stopped because its electrical
power was removed.
Figures C-9A to C-9D show the recorded signals for the Air India
B747 (AI 182) accident in the North Atlantic on 23 June 1985. These
show that there is a large transient on the CAM track indicating
earthing or shorting of the CAM signal wires and that recorder
power-down is more prolonged, indicating attempts to restore the
electrical power supply either by bus switching or healing of the
fault. The Flight PA103 CVR shows no attempts at power restoration
with the break being clean and final.
In order to respond to events that result in the almost immediate
loss of the aircraft's electrical power supply it was therefore
recommended during the investigation that the regulatory
authorities consider requiring CVR systems to contain a short
duration (i.e. no greater than 1 minute) back-up power supply.
3.3.2 Information concerning the event
Figure C-8 is an expanded UV trace of the final milliseconds of the
CVR record. Three tracks have been used, the flight engineer's RTF
channel which contained similar information to the P2's channel has
been replaced with a timing signal. Individual sections of interest
are identified by number. On the bottom trace, the P1 RTF track,
section 1 is part of the Shanwick transatlantic clearance. During
this section the loud sound on the CAM channel is
Examination of the DFDR event recordings shows that the Shanwick
oceanic clearance was being received on VHF2, the aerial for which
is on the underside of the fuselage close to the seat of the
explosion. Section 2 identifies a transient, on the P1 channel,
typical of an end of ATC transmission transient for this CVR. The
start and finish of most of the recorded ATC transmissions were
analysed and they produce a similar signature to the three shown in
Figure C-10. The signature on the P1 channel more closely resembles
the end of transmission signature and it is open to conjecture that
this transient was caused by the explosion damaging the aerial
feeder and/or its supporting structure.
Section 3 shows what is considered to be a high speed power supply
transient which is evident on all the RTF channels and is probably
on the CAM channel, but cannot be identified because of the
automatic gain control (AGC), limiting the audio event. This
transient is considered to coincide with the loss of electrical
power to the CVR. Section 5 identifies the period to the end of
recording and this agrees well with tests carried out by AAIB and
independently by Fairchild as part of the AI 182 investigation. The
typical time from removal of the electrical supply until end of
recording is 110 milliseconds.
During the period identified as section 4 it is considered that the
disturbances on the RTF channels are electrical transients probably
channelled through the communications equipment. Section 6
identifies the 170 millisecond period from the point when the sound
was first heard on the CAM until the recording stopped.
The CAM unit is of the old type which has a frequency response of
350 to 3500 Hz. The useable duration of the signal is probably
confined to the first 60 milliseconds of the final 170 milliseconds
and even during this period the AGC is limiting the signal. In the
remaining time the sound is being distorted because power to the
recorder has been disconnected. The ambient cockpit noise may have
been high enough to have caused the AGC to have been active prior
to the event and in this event the full volume of the sound would
not be audible. Distortion from the incomplete erasure of the last
recording may form part of the recorded signal.
It is not clear if the recorded sound is the result of the
explosion or is from the break-up of the aircraft structure. The
short period between the beginning of the event and the loss of
electrical power suggests that the latter is more likely to be the
Additionally some of the frequencies present on the recording were
not present in the original sound, but are the result of the rise
in total harmonic distortion caused by the increased amplitude of
the incoming signal. Outputs from a frequency analysis of the
recorded signal for the same frequency of input to the CVR, but at
two input amplitudes, are shown in Figures C-11 and C-12. These
illustrate the effects on harmonic distortion as the signal level
is increased. Finally the recorded signal does not lend itself to
analysis by a digital spectrum analyser as it is, in a large
measure, aperiodic and most digital signal analysis algorithms are
unable to deal with a short duration signal of this type, however,
it is hoped that techniques being developed in Canada will enable
more information to be deduced from the end of the recording.
In the aftermath of the Air India Boeing 747 accident (AI 182) in
the North Atlantic on 23 June 1985 the Royal Armaments Research and
Development Establishment (RARDE) were asked informally by AAIB to
examine means of differentiating, by recording violent cabin
pressure pulses, between the detonation of an explosive device
within the cabin (positive pulse) and a catastrophic structural
failure (negative pulse). Following the Lockerbie disaster it was
considered that this work should be raised to a formal research
project. Therefore, in February 1989, it was recommended that the
Department of Transport fund a study to devise methods of recording
violent positive and negative pressure pulses, preferably utilising
the aircraft's flight recorder systems.
Preliminary results from these trials indicates that if a suitable
sensor can be developed its output will need to be recorded in real
time and therefore it may require wiring into the CVR installation.
This will further strengthen the requirement for battery back up of
the CVR electrical power supply.
4. Flight recorder electrical system
4.1 CVR/DFDR electrical wiring.
The flight recorders were located in the left rear fuselage just
forward of the rear pressure bulkhead. Audio information to the CVR
ran along the left hand side of the aircraft, at stringer 11.
Electrical power to the CVR followed a similar route on the right
hand side of the aircraft crossing to the left side above the rear
passenger toilets. DFDR electrical power and signal information
followed the same route as the CVR audio information.
4.2 Flight recorder power supply
The DFDR, CVR and the transponders were all powered from the
essential alternating current (AC) bus. This bus was capable of
being powered by any generator, however, in normal operation the
selector switch on the flight engineers panel is selected to
"normal" connecting the essential bus to number 4 generator. When
the cockpit of Flight PA103 was examined the selector switch was
found in the normal position.
4.3 Aircraft alternating current power supplies
AC electrical power to the aircraft was provided by 4 engine driven
generators, see Figure C-13. Each generator was driven at constant
speed through a constant speed drive (CSD) and connected to a
separate bus-bar through a generator control breaker (GCB). The 4
generators were connected to a parallel bus-bar (sync bus) by
individual bus tie breakers (BTBs). Control and monitoring of the
AC electrical system was achieved through the flight engineer's
instrument panel. In normal operation the generators operated in
parallel, i.e with the BTBs closed.
4.4 Fault conditions
Analysis of the CVR CAM channel signal indicated that approximately
60 milliseconds after the sound on the CAM channel an electrical
transient was recorded on all 4 channels and that approximately 110
milliseconds later the CVR had ceased recording. Within the
accuracy of the available timing information it is believed that
the incoming VHF was lost at the same time, indicating an AC power
supply fault.
The AC electrical system was protected from faults in individual
systems or equipment by fuses or circuit breakers. Faults in the
generators or in the distribution bus-bars and feeders were dealt
with automatically by opening of the GCBs and opening or closing of
the BTBs. In the event of fault conditions causing the
disconnection of all 4 generators electrical power for essential
services, including VHF radio, was provided by a battery located in
the cockpit.
The short time interval of 55 milliseconds after which the AC
supply to the flight recorders was lost limits the basis on which a
fault path analysis of the AC electrical system can be undertaken.
On the available information only a differential (feeder) fault
could have isolated the bus-bar this quickly, with the generator
field control relay taking 20 milliseconds to trip. However, in
normal operation, the generators would have been operating in
parallel and the essential AC bus-bar would have been supplied via
the number 4 BTB from the sync bus. If the fault conditions had
continued, a further 40 to 100 milliseconds would have elapsed
before the BTB opened. If the BTB was open prior to the fault it
would have attempted to close and restore the supply to the
essential bus. Any automatic switching causes electrical transients
to appear on the CVR and data losses on the FDR. Both the CVR and
the FDR indicate that a clean break of the AC supply occurred with
no electrical transients associated with BTBs open or closing in an
attempt to restore power. In the absence of any additional
information only two possibilities are apparent:
i) That all 4 generators were simultaneously affected causing a
total loss of AC electrical power. The feeders for the left and
right side generators run on opposite sides of the aircraft under
the passenger cabin floor. The only situation envisaged that could
cause simultaneous loss of all 4 generators is the disruption of
the passenger cabin floor across its entire width.
ii) That disruption of the main equipment centre, housing the
control units for the AC electrical system, caused the loss of all
AC power. However, again it would have to affect both the left and
right sides of the aircraft as the control equipment is located at
left and right extremes of the main equipment centre.
The nature of the event may also produce effects that are not
understood. It is also to be noted that a sudden loss of electrical
power to the flight recorders has been reported in other B747
accidents, e.g. Air India, AI 182.
5. Seismic data
The British Geological Survey has a number of seismic monitoring
stations in Southern Scotland. Stations close to Lockerbie recorded
a seismic event caused by the wing section crashing on Lockerbie.
The seismic monitors are time correlated with the British Telecom
Rugby standard. Using this and calculating the time for the various
waves to reach the recording stations it was possible for the
British Geological Survey to conclude that the event occurred at
19.03:36.5 hrs ± 1 second.
Attempts were made to correlate various smaller seismic events with
other wreckage impacts. However, this was not conclusive because
the nearest recording station was above ground and due to the high
winds at the time of the accident had considerable noise on the
trace. In addition, little of the other wreckage had the mass or
impact velocity to stimulate the sensors.
6. Time correlation
6.1 Introduction
The sources of each time encoded recording were asked to provide
details of their time standard and any known errors in the timings
on their recordings. Although the resolution of the recorded time
sources is high it was not possible to attach an accuracy of better
than ±1 second due to possible errors in synchronising the recorded
time with the associated standard. The following time sources were
available and used in determining the significant events in the
i) ATC
ATC communications were recorded along with a time signal. The time
source for the ATC tape was the British Telecom "Tim" signal. Any
error in setting the time when individual tapes are mounted was
ii) Recorded rada data
A time signal derived from the British Telecom "Rugby" standard was
included on radar recordings. The Rugby and Tim times were assumed
to be of equal accuracy for timing purposes.
iii) The DFDR had UTC recorded.
The source of this time was the flight engineer's clock. This clock
was set manually and therefore this time was subject to a
significant fixed error as well any inaccuracy in the clock.
iv) The CVR had no time signal.
However, the CVR was correlated with the ATC time through the RTF
and with the DFDR, by correlating the press to talk events on the
FDR with the press to talk signature on the CVR.
v) Seismic recordings
Seismic recordings included a timing signal derived from the
British Telecom Rugby standard.
6.2 Analysis and correlation of times
The Scottish and Shanwick ATC tapes were matched with each other
and with the CVR tape. The CVR recording speed was adjusted by
peaking its recorded 400 Hz AC power source frequency. This
correlation served as a double check on any fixed errors on the ATC
recordings and to fix events on the CVR to UTC. The timing of the
sound on the CAM channel of the CVR was made simpler because
Shanwick was transmitting when it occurred. From this it was
possible to determine that the sound on the CVR occurred at
19.02:50 hrs ±1 second.
With the CVR now tied to the Tim standard it was possible to match
the RTF keying on the CVR with the RTF keying events on the FDR.
These events on the FDR were sampled and recorded once per second,
it was therefore possible for a 1 second delay to be present on the
FDR. This potential error was reduced by obtaining the best fit
between a number of RTF keyings and a time correlation between the
FDR and CVR of ±¤ second was achieved. From this it was determined,
within this accuracy, that electrical power was removed from the
CVR and FDR at the same time.
From the recorded radar data it was possible to determine that the
last recorded SSR return was at 19.02:46.9 hrs and that by the next
rotation of the radar head a number of primary returns, some left
and right of track, were evident. Time intervals between successive
rotations of the radar head became more difficult to use as the
head painted more primary returns.
The point at which aircraft wreckage impacted Lockerbie was
determined using the time recorded by seismic activity detectors. A
seismic event measuring 1.6 on the Richter scale was detected and,
with appropriate time corrections for times of the waves to reach
the sensors, it was established that this occurred at 19.03:36.5
hrs ±1 second. A further check was made by triangulation techniques
from the information recorded by the various sensors.
7. Recorded radar information
7.1 Introduction
Recorded radar information on the aircraft was available from from
4 radar sites. Initial analysis consisted of viewing the recorded
information as it was shown to the controller on the radar screen,
from this it was clear that the flight had progressed in a normal
manner until Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) was lost. There was
a single primary return received by both Great Dun Fell and Claxby
radars approximately 16 seconds before SSR returns were lost. The
Lowther Hill and St. Annes radars did not see this return. The
Great Dun Fell radar recording was watched for 1 hour both before
and after this single return for any signs of other spurious
returns, but none was seen. The return was only present for one
paint and no explanation can be offered for its presence.
7.2 Limitations of recorded radar data
Before evaluating the recorded radar data it is important to
highlight limitations in radar performance that must be taken into
account when interpreting primary radar data. The radar system used
for both primary and secondary radar utilised a rotating radar
transmitter/receiver (Head). This means that a return was only
visible whilst the radar head was pointing at the target, commonly
called painting or illuminating the target. In the case of this
accident the rotational speeds of the radar heads varied from
approximately 10 seconds for the Lowther Hill Radar to 8 Seconds
for the Great Dun Fell Radar.
Whilst it was possible to obtain accurate positional information
within a resolution of 0.09° of bearing and ± 1/16 nautical mile
range for an aircraft from SSR, incorporating mode C height
encoding, primary radar provided only slant range and bearing and
therefore positional information with respect to the ground was not
The structural break-up of an aircraft releases many items which
were excellent radar reflectors eg. aluminium cladding, luggage
containers, sections of skin and aircraft structure. These and
other debris with reflective properties produce "clutter" on the
radar by confusing the radar electronics in a manner similar to
chaff ejected by military aircraft to avoid radar detection.
Even when the target is not masked by clutter repetitive detection
of individual targets may not be possible because detection is a
function of the target effective area which, for wreckage with its
irregular shape, is not constant but fluctuates wildly. These
factors make it impossible to follow individual returns through
successive sweeps of the radar head.
7.3 Analysis of the radar data
The detailed analysis of the radar information concentrated on the
break-up of the aircraft. The Royal Signals and Radar Establishment
(RSRE) corrected the radar returns for fixed errors and converted
the SSR returns to latitude and longitude so that an accurate time
and position for the aircraft could be determined. This information
was correlated with the CVR and ATC times to establish a time and
position for the aircraft at the initial disintegration.
For the purposes of this analysis the data from Great Dun Fell
Radar has been presented. Figures C-14 to C-23 show a mosaic
picture of the radar data i.e. each figure contains the information
on the preceding figure together with more recently recorded
information. Figure C-14 shows the radar returns from an aircraft
tracking 321°(Grid) with a calculated ground speed of 434 kts.
Reading along track (towards the top left of Figure C-14) there are
6 SSR returns with the sixth and final SSR return shown decoded:
squawk code 0357 (identifying the aircraft as N739PA); mode C
indicating FL310; and the time in seconds (68566.9 seconds from
00:00, i.e. 19.02:46.9 hrs).
At the next radar return there is no SSR data, only 4 primary
returns. One return is along track close to the expected position
of the aircraft if it had continued at its previous speed and
heading. There are 2 returns to the left of track and 1 to the
right of track. Remembering the point made earlier about clutter,
it is unlikely that each of these returns are real targets. It can,
however, be concluded that the aircraft is no longer a single
return and, considering the approximately 1 nautical mile spread of
returns across track, that items have been ejected at high speed
probably to both right and left of the aircraft. Figure C-15 shows
the situation after the next head rotation. There is still a return
along track but it has either slowed down or the slant range has
decreased due to a loss of altitude.
Each rotation of the radar head thereafter shows the number of
returns increasing with those first identified across track in
Figure C-14 having slowed down very quickly and followed a track
along the prevailing wind line. Figure C-20 shows clearly that
there has been a further break-up of the aircraft and subsequent
plots show a rapidly increasing number of returns, some following
the wind direction and forming a wreckage trail parallel to and
north of the original break-up debris. Additionally it is possible
that there was some break-up between these points with a short
trail being formed between the north and south trails. From the
absence of any returns travelling along track it can be concluded
that the main wreckage was travelling almost vertically downwards
for much of the time.
The geographical position of the final secondary return at
19.02:46.9 hrs was calculated by RSRE to be OS Grid Reference
15257772, annotated Point A in Appendix B, Figure B-4, with an
accuracy considered to be better than ±300 metres This return was
received 3.1±1 seconds before the loud sound was recorded on the
CVR at 19.02:50 hrs. By projecting from this position along the
track of 321°(Grid) for 3.1±1 seconds at the groundspeed of 434
kts, the position of the aircraft was calculated to be OS Grid
Reference 14827826, annotated Point B in Appendix B, Figure B-4,
within an accuracy of ±525 metres. Based on the evidence of
recorded data only, Point B therefore represents the geographical
position of the aircraft at the moment the loud sound was recorded
on the CVR.
8. Conclusions
The almost instant destruction of Flight PA103 resulted in no
evidence on the cause of the accident being preserved on the DFDR.
The CVR CAM track contained a loud sound 170 milliseconds before
recording ceased. Sixty milliseconds of this sound were while power
was applied to the recorder; after this period the amplitude
decreased. It cannot be determine whether the decrease was because
of reducing recorder drive or if the sound itself decreased in
amplitude. Analysis of both flight recorders shows that they
stopped because the electrical supply was removed and that there
were valid signals available to both recorders at that time.
The most important contribution to the investigation that the
flight recorders could make was to pinpoint the time and position
of the event. As the timescale involved was so small in relation to
the resolution and accuracy of many of the recorded time sources it
was necessary to analyse collectively all the available recordings.
From the analysis of the CVR, DFDR, ATC tapes, radar data and the
seismic records it was concluded that the loud sound on the CVR
occurred at 19.02:50 hrs ±1 second and wreckage from the aircraft
crashed on Lockerbie at 19.03:36.5 hrs ±1 second, giving a time
interval of 46.5 ±2 seconds between these two events. When the loud
sound was recorded on the CVR, the geographical position of the
aircraft, based on the evidence of recorded data, was calculated to
be within 525 metres of OS Grid Reference 14827826.
Eight seconds after the sound on the CVR the Great Dun Fell radar
showed 4 primary radar returns. The returns indicated a spread of
wreckage in the order of 1 nautical mile across track. On
successive returns of the radar, two parallel wreckage trails are
seen to develop with the second trail, to the north, becoming
evident 30 to 40 seconds after the first.
LLibya, Lockerbie & Lies The struggle by one country against the forces of international oppression - By SUSAN BRYCE ::::: It was the evening of 21 December 1988, when Pan Am flight 103 exploded in mid air overhead Dean’s Cross in the English Lake District and crashed at Lockerbie in Scotland. All 259 passengers and crew on the plane were killed instantly, and a total of eleven local people also died in the crash...
SYNOPSIS * Appendix A - Personnel involved in the investigation * Figure B (Appendix B) - Pictures & Documents *
Appendix C - Analysis of recorded data * Figure C (Appendix C) - Pictures & Documents *
Appendix D - Critical crack calculations * Appendix E - Potential remedial measures *
Appendix F - Baggage container examination and reconstruction * Figure F (Appendix F) - Pictures & Documents *
Appendix G - Mach stem shock wave effects *
Figure G-1 - (Appendix
G-1) * More
Investigation Images Follow
Investigation News & Info`s and Video Material:
Hillary Clinton called for al-Megrahi to be returned to prison in Scotland... * Video - Evidence Against C.I.A. *
Heading over a 2009 post by Michael Meacher MP (UK) on his blog. It reads as follow *
Lockerbie dad meets man jailed for bombing * Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked *
UK CALLS FOR LIFTING OF UN SANCTIONS ON LIBYA (2003) * Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi - My Story *
Video - Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi freed * Video - Madsen Aug 2009 - CIA fabricated evidence *
Video - Mr. Al-Megrahi says truth will come out! * Video - Lockerbie Bomber Truth - Part 1 and 2 *
Audio - George Galloway discusses Lockerbie with Dr Jim Swire * Video - Special Event: Lockerbie Case ..with Dr Jim Swire *
Video -
Dr Jim Swire on the death of Megrahi * Statement
by Saif Al Gaddafi to the Release of Abdel-Basset
Megrahi *
Video - Lockerbie ::: CIA Framing Libya * Saif Al Islam Gaddafi: 'We don't want confrontation and aggression *
Audio - George Galloway and Chris on the Lockerbie case * .>>>>>
Libyan Dessert
T: ....
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